《极致中国》(第二季)由中宣部对外推广局指导,五洲联合国家地理(National Geographic)、新加坡棱聚传播(IFA Media Group)联合策划制作。第二季延续第一季广受好评的探险家组合模式,由国家地理派出的探险家分别与一位中国新生代探险家组队,探险家们前往宁夏中卫的沙漠、湖北张家界的奇峰以及广西都安的地下河,通过极限挑战的方式展现极致美景,以及当地极富特色的地域文化,体现了中国人积极乐观、永不言弃的精神面貌。
Length: 3 episodes *50 minutes
Format: 4K
Brief introduction:
Extreme China Season 2, continues the mode of Season 1, hosted by the adventurers from around the world, teaming up with Chinese explorers. They travel across China to discover extreme landscapes, learning about the locals who call them home by experiencing generations-old culture and traditions. Their extreme expeditions will bring them paragliding off a mountain nearly 3,000-metres high, climbing up a new route on a 250-metre rock wall and diving deep into underground caves.
版权联系人信息 Please contact |
李妍妍 Li Yanyan |
电话Tel:+86 13718699600 邮箱E-mail:1812752829@qq.com |
刘璟怡 |
电话Tel:+86 18611961201 邮箱E-mail:liujingyi@cicc.org.cn |