第一集 《平原之梦》讲述贵州历史上每一代人都有一个巨大的梦想,就是在连绵大山之中修建起平坦的大道,不用再跋山涉水、翻山越岭,通过古代与现代故事的交融讲诉,解释贵州平原之梦的由来。
第三集 《高速平原》展现了交通的变化为区域的发展带来了更多的可能,旅游、物流、文化……中国西南角一改往日闭塞不通的历史,成为了充满活力与机遇的宝藏之地。
Length: 3 episodes * 25 minutes
Format: HD
Year: 2023-2024
English introduction:
Guizhou has nearly half of the 100 tallest bridges in the world, which is a remarkable achievement made by the Chinese people in traversing mountainous terrains and deep ravines. "Bridges Over Mountains and Rivers" delves into the bridge-building heritage and present reality, narrating tales of triumph over adversity and how human ingenuity has transformed lives of poverty into prosperous dreams.
"Bridges Over Mountains and Rivers" examines transportation changes in Guizhou, a mountainous province in SW China, through the lens of bridge construction. It vividly tells the stories of builders, villagers, drivers, and historians. Divided into three episodes - "Dreams of the Plains," "Breaking Records," and "High-speed Plains" - the film connects personal stories with bridge-building technology, historical context, and improvements in local lives due to better transportation.
"Dreams of the Plains" explores the historical aspiration to build flat roads in the mountains, explaining its origins through ancient and modern stories. "Breaking Records" highlights the design and construction of world-class bridges, showing how technological innovation overcomes challenges while minimizing environmental impact. "High-speed Plains" illustrates how improved transportation has transformed the region, fostering tourism, transportation, and culture, turning a once isolated area into a vibrant and opportunity-filled region.
版权联系人信息 Please contact |
陈曦(Chen Xi) |
电话Tel:+86 13765083977 邮箱E-mail:224151217@qq.com |